Friday, May 30, 2014

Review - Grown Up Avenger Stuff - Sparkleton

Want me to put Grown Up Avenger Stuff in a genre for you? Not going to happen. I don't think it's remotely possible, and I wouldn't want to limit them by giving them a classification anyway. That's precisely what I love about them. What's here in this release is seven tracks full of creativity and originality. It's the perfect rock / punk / dance / soul combo of music. Yes, you read that right.

The diversity really is the thing that stands out here. The excellent vocals wail, scream, and soothe all in the span of one track. The instrumentals enhance and provide a beat that makes Sparkleton a complete package.

Songs like "The Beat" really showcase just how different and effective this band is on all fronts. "Pins" is also a favorite of mine, but it really comes down to your tastes as to what songs will be your favorite. In fact, I challenge you to listen to Sparkleton and not walk away with a favorite track stuck in your head. It's just that good.
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