Tuesday, November 5, 2013

News Feed 11/5/13

Time for some more news from bands you might not have heard of but should check out. Got some upcoming news? Hit me up at mckilmer@beneaththegrid.com

Last Red Ransom has released their Kickstarter campaign and is looking for $2000 by December 15th. Go check out the perks for donating at their Kickstarter Page (Click Here). Haven't heard them before? Check out the video below:

Polarity has entered the studio with producer David Bottrill (Tool). I expect big things from the next release, especially with the last EP being as great as it was. Check out the first webisode on the new album:
You can catch the 2nd webisode here: Polarity Websisode 2

Jess Meuse has a new song written and has a video of it up on her Youtube channel. I'm pretty sure people will love her unique voice. She has some pipes. Check out "Sick and Tired":

Bleech will be releasing their new four track EP on November 25th. You can check out the first single "Here I Am", right here:

Be sure to check out some new music today and support what you like. 

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