Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Help Jess Meuse Get a Spot On VH1

   Fiat is doing a contest called Band Prix on their website in order to find the best bands in five different genres. As a fan of singer / songwriter Jess Meuse I had to at least step in and throw her my endorsement. The top winner will get to be on VH1's Top 20 Video Countdown on December 14th. You can vote for her by downloading a free track at this link: Fiat Contest . No sign up is require. You just have to hit the download button by her name. Quick and easy.

  Jess has a very unique voice and style that is somewhere between country and rock. It's a fusion of the best of both genres. I heard her voice for the first time when I was recommended  her video cover of Death Cab For Cuties "I'll Follow You Into The Dark" by Tara Lightfoot, lead vocalist and guitarist of A Brilliant Lie. I was blown away the first time I watched it. You can catch the video for yourself below and come to your own conclusion: (Article continues below video)

   Her talents don't reside solely on the ability to add her voice to someone else's songs though. She is a phenomenal songwriter in her own right as well. You can catch her originals as she writes them on her Youtube channel, as she updates it quite regularly. One of my favorite originals by her is definitely "Blue-Eyed Lie": (Continue article after video)
Make sure you subscribe to her Youtube Channel to catch all the latest and like her Facebook page to stay connected. Make sure to throw her a vote in the contest by hitting the download button by her name. Also, check out her latest original below.

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