Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Rant - What's Happening With BTG and Random Fits of Anger

   Just wanted to keep people updated with certain developments here at BTG. Several posts have been made across social media about things that I've been working on, some of which have been taking shape, and others that still need some time in the oven. The video show i've been working on has been put on hold for a little bit because of some problems I've been having recording with Skype lately. They have been updating their software and hopefully the stability for recording will return shortly. In the meantime i'm working on some written interviews and continuing on with reviews. I've also introduced a segment called On The Playlist that lets you check out Spotify playlists I've made with different catagories, You can see Volume 1 of the Canadian playlist here: http://www.beneaththegrid.com/2014/03/on-playlist-canada-volume-1.html

   This wouldn't be The Rant if I didn't have something to complain about of course, and thankfully the music industry gives me plenty of material to work with. I recently attended a local show where the two headliners were national touring bands that i'd been wanting to see for a while. The show consisted of five bands total, the first three being local bands. When it came time for the nationals to play, almost all of the members of the local bands had packed up their merch and left the venue, taking their fans with them. Why is this still happening? Bands, if you play a show make sure you stay for every band on the bill. I'm not saying you have to like the band. Just be professional and make every show you play the best that it possibly can be. Word gets around, and if you ever need to book gigs out of town it's very doubtful that the bands you left hanging are going to want to share their crowd with you. I understand that life happens and there may be instances when one of the members of the band have to leave early to take care of personal matters. It shouldn't be a trend though, and it definitely should not require the entire band to leave. If bands don't show support for the music scene we can't really expect the fans to be much better. It takes all of us.

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