Thursday, October 31, 2013

Music Videos To Die For - Happy Halloween

 Happy Halloween to everyone. Hope everyone has a safe and great time. Watch out for all the little ghouls and goblins running around tonight grabbing candy. Though I would post a few videos for you to get in the spirit of things. Check them out and spread them around.

  First up is the quintessential Halloween song by Die So Fluid : "Happy Halloween". Make sure you give Die So Fluid a like over on Facebook.

   What would Halloween be without zombies? Nothing. So check out our second video from Fight Another Day: "Zombie Apocalypse Love Song". Make sure to give Fight Another Day a like on Facebook.

   The third entry comes from Sumo Cyco and is there because..... well because it's just plain creepy all the way around. The video for "Limp" is awesome as is the song so make sure you give them a like on Facebook.

   Our last entry has us back to the zombies again. Everyone loves zombies, and with a name like The Nearly Deads we had to include this band. Check out "Never Look Back" from The Nearly Deads and make sure to like them on Facebook. Have a fun Halloween everyone. Make sure to give the article a share and show off some great Halloween videos to your friends.

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